Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Are There Idols In Your Heart?- (July 18, 2017)

So often, when we think of idols we think of carved images made out of wood or stone. While that is an appropriate depiction of idolatry, idols can also be internal and heart centered. Webster’s dictionary (1828) defines an idol as: Anything on which we set our affections; that to which we indulge an excessive and sinful attachment.  Idolatry hurts our walk with God. It makes it difficult for us to hear from him.  God has declared that we should have no other God’s before him (Ex. 20:3 and Deut. 5:7) and that we should keep ourselves free from idols (1 John 5:21). With all of this being said, here are a few ways to know if you have idols in your heart.

1.      Is it something or someone you think about constantly?

2.      Is it something or someone God has told you to let go of, but you consistently justify holding on.

3.      Does it cause you to do things that are sinful or break the law.

4.      Is it all consuming? When you’re with this person or thing is it the only thing you can focus on?

5.      Does it cause you to neglect other responsibilities?

If you found yourself answering yes to any of these questions, repent, and make a decision to make God as the focal point of your heart, mind, and life.




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