Monday, July 18, 2016

What are the different types of prayer? (Part One)


Prayer should be an awesome experience. Prayer is the most intimate way in which we can communicate with God, but prayer is also a strategic way to experience supernatural power here on earth. There are several different types of prayer that are mentioned in scripture. When used appropriately, they have real life application results.

Here are the types of prayer:

Corporate Prayer- This is when believers come together and pray in a group.  (See Matthew 18:20)

Prayer of Petition- This is when a believer comes before the Lord and asks for what they need.   (See Philippians 4:6)

Prayer of Repentance- This is when a believer confesses to the Lord that they have done something sinful and they repent and request forgiveness from God.  (See Psalm 51)

Intercessory Prayer- This is when believers pray for other people (anyone outside of themselves). (See 1 Timothy 2:1)

Prayer of Thanksgiving- this is when we come to the Lord and we thank Him for who he is and what he has done. In this type of prayer where we honor him for everything He is and we show how grateful we are. (See Hebrews 13:15).

Heart Check

·         What type of prayer do you use most often?

·         What type of prayer do you use the least?

·         Sketch out a plan of how you can use all five prayer types at least one time per week.


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