Friday, June 24, 2016

Friday Resource: Dara Maclean (June 24, 2016)

What is resource Friday?

Every Friday I feature a musician, poet, author, entrepreneur or speaker who has incredible material. I believe that as Christians we can help one another grow  by providing each other with Biblically sound resources. Every resource I suggest is of someone who's work I truly believe in and use myself.

  This weeks resource: Dara Maclean

                                                                              photo found here
Four years ago, I’d stumbled on the singer Dara Maclean though a social media post. In prayer a few weeks later, I felt the Lord prompt me to download her album. From the moment I put the headphones in my ears, I was led into a supernatural worship and healing session. Not only does Dara have an incredible voice that is both angelic and powerful, her anointing for mixing worship with soulful R &B and pop sounds is unmatched. Her music is honest and raw. Listening to her songs I felt like I could lay my heart before God and talk about my short-comings, insecurities, and fears.  Some of my favorites are: “Blameless”, “Yours Forever”, “Set My People Free”, “Suitcases”, “Blessed” and my personal anthem “Good Enough.” If you’ve ever felt like you weren’t good enough and you needed your heavenly Father to reaffirm that you are, Dara’s music will help you connect your heart to His.


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