Wednesday, June 8, 2016

What Should I do during my prayertime and How long should it be? (Part Three)


We've made it to the final part of our series: What should I do during my prayer time and how long should it be? If you haven't go ahead and check out yesterday's post here. 
Let's dive in!
You should have your prayer time daily. The time you spend with the Lord is between you and Him. There is no set time; the goal is truly consistency and quality. The Word tells us in 1 Chronicles 6:11, “seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face evermore.” This shows that we have a responsibility to seek the Lord’s face now, through eternity. Seeking His face through a daily prayer time should be a habit. The word tells us as believers that we need to “study to show yourself approve” (2 Timothy 2:15). The only way we can do that is by getting into the scriptures daily. Also, when you are having your prayer time, (as much as you are able) make it a distraction free zone. When we come to God and talk to Him, He isn’t watching TV, scrolling through Instagram, or live tweeting on Twitter. He is just there, listening to us, waiting to hear what we have to say. Let’s do the same for Him. Put your phone on airplane mode (or even better, turn it off) and give God an opportunity to speak to you!

Until Next Time,


Heart Check

·         What is the best time for me to have my prayer time?

·         Where is the best place?

·         Which days of the week or times of the month will I commit to having a quality, focused prayer time with God?


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