Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What Should I Do During My Prayertime and How Long Should It Be? (Part Two)

Here is part two of our series on: What Should I do during my prayertime and How long should it be? Let's dive in. (See part one here)

During your prayertime here are a few of the things you can do:

·         Read or listen to your Bible

·         Listen to a teaching tape and pray about how the things in the teaching can apply to your walk with the Lord: For example some teachers I enjoy listening to are: Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, Havilah Cunnington, Joel Osteen, and John Bevere to name a few.

·         Read a devotional and pray about how the things in the teaching can apply to your walk with Jesus.

·         Go over memory verses and quote verses out loud: As a believer we should consistently be going over memory verses. The word says in Romans 12:2 that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. It is vital that we memorize scripture in order for our minds to be changed.  Scripture review can something you incorporate during your daily prayer time.

·         Pray to God

·         Allow Got to talk to you. Yes, the Lord will talk to you! Generally, it will not be an audible voice, but if you sit quiet and listen he will begin speak to you within your heart, mind, and spirit.

·         Sing worship songs to Him: Not all Christian music is worship music and worship music is not necessarily genre specific. Worship music should do the following things:

o   Spiritual warfare

o    Incorporate scripture

o    Break chains of bondage

o   Prepare your heart to hear from God

o   Connect you deeply into God’s presence

o   Discuss the character of God

Some examples of worship bands and artists are: Kari Jobe, Bethel, Jason Upton, Eddie James, and Planetshakers.

Heart Check

·         What is your normal routine during your prayer time (what activities do you normally do?)

·         What types of activities will you incorporate in your prayer time this week? This month? This year?

·         How often do you incorporate worship into your prayer time?


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