Friday, July 28, 2017

Resource Friday: LikeHoneyBlog (July 28, 2017)

What is resource Friday?

Every Friday I feature a musician, poet, author, entrepreneur or speaker who has incredible material. I believe that as Christians we can help one another grow by providing each other with Biblically sound resources. Every resource I suggest is of someone who's work I truly believe in and/or use myself.

This week’s resource: Like Honey Blog
Mariah and I connected online when I was searching for Christian bloggers to promote my e-course. Scrolling through her insta-feed and her blog, I immediately knew she had an awesome blog that I wanted to share. On LikeHoneyBlog, Mariah discusses everything from her adorable family, to her killer fashion sense, to her love for Jesus. Check out LikeHoneyBlog if you want to read the blog of a stylish, Jesus loving momma!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Shero-Glitz Item of the Week (July 27, 2017)

As a part-time creative designer, I believe God can provide healing and empowerment through the beautiful things he leads his children to create. I love demonstrating the nature of God’s creativity by showcasing items he has led me to create.  So without further ado, here is our shero-glitz item of the week:

Find headbands like this one in my online store: Lonye' Lynn

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

(July 26, 2017)

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A Letter to My New Christian Self (July 25, 2017)

April 10th, 2017 was my super-sweet 16th birthday into the body of Christ! So here is a letter to my new Christian self.

Dear Myah at 10,  

One of the things you’re going to learn about God over the years, is that he has a sense of humor. And he’s creative. Like you. In fact that’s one of the things the two of you have in common. Creativity is one of the ways you will relate to him. He’s also persistent; and as you will find as you get older, that’s a trait that he passed on to his baby girl (you). Right now, you’re in elementary school and you have just accepted Jesus into your heart. You know he is real and you have determined within yourself to follow him. And sweet girl, as I write this letter to you from a woman’s perspective, I am so proud that you have and you did.

One thing you don’t know is inside of you, is an ability to stand alone in the face of adversity. You, little warrior, are strong. You are relentless.  And even though you sometimes feel insecure, and small and not good enough, you are so extraordinary. The next decade and a half of your life are going to be joyous, adventurous, painful and unexpected. Those dreams you have of going to Julliard or Columbia, as it turns out, are not a part of God’s plan for your life. That little town that you so desperately want to get away from (yes, even at ten years old) you will still live in at 26. Those friendships you think are forever, well sweet girl cherish them. As you grow older, very few of the kids you grew up with will remain Christian. The decision you make to stick with Christ will cost you many friends. It will even cost you your best friend.

You’ll still be singing. Though that music degree you thought you would get will never come to pass.  And at first you won’t be okay with. Okay, for many years you won’t be okay with it and you will find yourself in a perpetual state of asking God “what are you doing.” Even now, 16 years later, you don’t completely know what he is doing, but if you have learned anything about God, you have learned that he is always up to something and that he loves to catch you by surprise.

In the next decade and a half there are going to be many people who will betray you. There are going to be people who are going to make you question your worth. There’s going to be that guy who makes you wonder if he was in fact the one who got away. Your dreams are going to take much longer than you expected and sometimes that’s going to make you wonder if you are forgotten or if God really loves you. You’re not, and he does. Little warrior you are going to make your grown up self so proud. You are going to overcome an addiction to pornography. You are going to become healed from the pain of rejection and molestation. You are going to stay a virgin though middle school… high school… undergraduate… and a master’s degree. You are going to learn to submit to the leading and guiding of your earthly authorities and you are going to learn how to allow the Holy Spirit to change your compass over… and over… and over.. . and over again.

But the thing that is going to amaze you about God is how much he knows you. He knows you so much better than you ever knew yourself. And every single time you thought he was denying you of something, you’re going to find that he was shifting you and shaping you into who you really are. As I write this to you, sixteen years after you accepted Christ, I want you to know you don’t have it all together. You haven’t lost the weight; in fact you’ve gained more weight than your grown up self would like to admit. But let me remind you that you are persistent my dear and every time you fall down in your weight struggle you get back up. Every time. And one day, you won’t fall. You’ll get up and you’ll stay up and the weight loss, like every other struggle in your life will be a testament to God’s unfailing love and his infinite glory.

Right now you desperately want your own identity. People associate you with Mike and Mallory. You never feel like you own yourself.  While many of your peers are trying to break away from their families and establish their own identity, you want that too. But there’s this thing inside of you that keeps you close. That thing that’s pulling you close to them, that thing inside of you that you can’t explain, is destiny. The four of you are going to pioneer a ministry called One Vision Outreach Training Center. You’re a vital part of it. And it’s an even bigger part of you.  As you age in Christ you will become increasingly more compassionate, but decreasingly less sensitive (thank God, you cry a lot now, lol.) You will fall in love with worship. Yep, read that twice. You will pursue things you never knew you wanted and one day when they are placed in front of you, you will realized that a whole piece of you has been missing and now it’s finally there. Sixteen years after you become a Christian, you’ll still be radically imperfect but you’ll desperately work towards surrender. And God will feel so close.

Oh, and that play that dad took you to that led to your salvation. That was no accident. When you grow up, you’re going to write a lot of plays. Some of them will even have calls to salvation at the end. I told you God has a sense of humor.

I’m so proud of you,

Myah at 26.

Monday, July 24, 2017

(July 24, 2017)

Friday, July 21, 2017

Resource Friday- Lauren Daigle (July 21, 2017)

What is resource Friday?

Every Friday I feature a musician, poet, author, entrepreneur or speaker who has incredible material. I believe that as Christians we can help one another grow by providing each other with Biblically sound resources. Every resource I suggest is of someone who's work I truly believe in and/or use myself.

This week’s resource: Lauren Daigle

When I think of Lauren's music the first thing I think of is "worship." Not only has Lauren been gifted with an incredible voice but her lyrics point the listener to the heart of God. Some of my favorite songs from her album How Can It Be are: Come Alive (Dry Bones), I Am Yours, and First. For a few hidden gems check out the deluxe edition of her album How Can It Be where you can find gorgeous tracks such as Wordless.
Happy Listening!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Shero-Glitz Item of the Week (July 20, 2017)

As a part-time creative designer, I believe God can provide healing and empowerment through the beautiful things he leads his children to create. I love demonstrating the nature of God’s creativity by showcasing items he has led me to create.  So without further ado, here is our shero-glitz item of the week:

Find headbands like this one in my online store: Lonye' Lynn

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

(July 19, 2017)


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Are There Idols In Your Heart?- (July 18, 2017)

So often, when we think of idols we think of carved images made out of wood or stone. While that is an appropriate depiction of idolatry, idols can also be internal and heart centered. Webster’s dictionary (1828) defines an idol as: Anything on which we set our affections; that to which we indulge an excessive and sinful attachment.  Idolatry hurts our walk with God. It makes it difficult for us to hear from him.  God has declared that we should have no other God’s before him (Ex. 20:3 and Deut. 5:7) and that we should keep ourselves free from idols (1 John 5:21). With all of this being said, here are a few ways to know if you have idols in your heart.

1.      Is it something or someone you think about constantly?

2.      Is it something or someone God has told you to let go of, but you consistently justify holding on.

3.      Does it cause you to do things that are sinful or break the law.

4.      Is it all consuming? When you’re with this person or thing is it the only thing you can focus on?

5.      Does it cause you to neglect other responsibilities?

If you found yourself answering yes to any of these questions, repent, and make a decision to make God as the focal point of your heart, mind, and life.

