Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Serving in Church- 11/23/2016

Happy Almost Thanksgiving! I hope you will be spending this holiday with people you love, surrounded by lots of delicious food. I love the holidays like the next gal ! The food, the family, the gifts... The holidays are truly my favorite time of year. I am not naturally a person who enjoys serving but I've found that during the holidays it is easier for me to serve because I am in such a festive mood.  As God's daughter, something I've learned overtime is he wants me to serve not just on the holidays, but regularly throughout the year. That being said, one place we should serve is in our church body. As Christians, we have a responsibility to serve where we fellowship. Within church there are always a plethora of places to serve. Your pastor and the leadership need help! Once you are plugged into a church you need to serve in a way that maximizes your God-given abilities. Here are a few ways I serve in my local church:

1.      Worship Pastor –I serve by choosing worship songs, doing worship power points, finding scriptural references for the worship songs, doing rehearsal and praying over the worship.

2.      Benevolence Team- I help get benevolence (giving) projects organized and efficiently ran.

3.      Discipleship Leader- I help teach young women about the word of God in weekly or bi-monthly sessions.
What are some ways you serve in your church?
Myah Lonye’


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