Thursday, November 3, 2016

Myah's Favorite Bible Study Tools- November 3rd, 2016

Studying the Bible can be daunting. Trust me, I completely understand.  To make my study time more approachable I have a few tools that I often use and want to share.

1.      Hardback Bible and/ or Bible App- You obviously need a Bible to have a Bible study. I use both a hard-back NKJV (it’s a teen edition that I’ve had since I was 11, lol) and BibleGateway. I use Bible Gateway because I can switch back and forth between versions without having to by 20 different translations.

2.      Notebook or journal- I like to write down any insights the Holy Spirit gives me.

3.      Pens, Pencils, Highlighters- to write in said journal.

4.      A guided chapter study, devotional, or Christian book. Now this is optional, but  when I first learned how to have a prayer time, I learned by reading a Christian book (Girl Talk With God) , looking up all of the reference scriptures in my Bible and applying the scriptures to my life. This really helped me learn how to create “context” for the scriptures in what they mean and how they applied to me at that time. You have to be intentional about the writers and devotionals you choose for a guided reading. Some of my favs are Joyce Meyer, Beth Moore and Dave Williams.

5.      Greek and Hebrew Lexicon: I use this when looking to find the original meaning of the words in the scriptures. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew and the New Testament Greek, so the meanings of words are not always as obvious at face value. That being said, I often use my Lexicon to show me, exactly what the Holy Spirit was communicating in the meaning behind the text.

6.      Concordance: A concordance is basically like a sourcebook of words where you can find where each word is in the bible. It is fantastic for topical study.

7.      Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary- I like to use this dictionary because it gives the original meaning of words in the English language before social constructionism arose and begin to change the meanings. And yes, I know some of you are thinking, “but all words are socially constructed,” but this dictionary carries a biblical world view in how it approaches the English language.

8.      Index Cards- To write out my memory scriptures or any notes I want to keep handy.


Myah Lonye’


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