Monday, December 12, 2016

Scripture Memory Techniques 12/12/2016

Scripture memory is a vital part of the transformation process.  We need to memorize scripture to transform our hearts and minds and to make us more like Christ.  Scripture memory, however, is not an easy discipline to get the hang of. Here are a few tips on memorizing scripture. I hope they’re helpful!

1.      Chose a translation that resonates with you. I really enjoy the flow of the NKJV and Amplified Bible’s. I find that I am best able to remember when memorizing in these versions.  I also find that when I use a translation that I am emotionally connected to that it is able to penetrate my spirit more easily.

2.      Don’t scripture hop- I find that working on one scripture until I know it backwards and forwards helps me in the scripture memory process. Sometimes it can be easy to jump around and half-heartedly learn parts of scriptures but in order for the word to be as effective as possible, it is vital that we fully understand and remember each verse we set out to memorize.

3.      Use tools such as index cards, scripture typer apps, etc.  There are a myriad of scripture typer tools  you can download on your computer or smart phone to help you with the memorization process. I highly suggest finding and consistently implementing any tools that help in your scripture memory process.

4.      Be consistent- taking ten or fifteen minutes every day is enough to help you memorize your scriptures effectively. The key is going over them daily or almost daily.

5.      Choose a realistic memorization number. Make sure you are realistic with the amount of scriptures you aim to memorize at a given time. I think 2-4 scriptures per month is an excellent goal, though you can memorize more or less as you feel comfortable. When I first started memorizing scriptures, I was very extreme. I would try to memorize 5 or more scriptures per week. I so desperately wanted God to transform me that I thought in order for that to happen I had to memorize copious amounts of scriptures at a time. What I have found is that God was able to transform me with completely learning one or two scriptures a month than trying to learn 20 scriptures half heartedly.


Love and blessings on your scripture memory journey.


Myah Lonye’


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