It's Wednesday and I hope each of you is having a good week. I can't believe that we're already a week into December. 2016 is winding down and the new year is fast approaching. I hope this short post encourages you.
Habits of Highly Successful Christian Women:
1. They seek Christ first.
This is probably a given, but a successful Christian woman can’t be a success
without first seeking the Lord. It is the Lord who leads and guides us so if he
isn’t first, we’re putting ourselves in a position where we cannot be
2. They sit properly under
authority- There is no such thing as not being
under authority. I don’t care if you are 10 or 100. Successful Christian women
know how to biblically stay under authority. They also attempt to right any
wrong relationships that they have with authority.
3. They seek to develop
their health in every dimension: mental, physical,
emotional, spiritual, vocational, and social. Successful Christian women know
it is imperative that they are healthy in every sense of the word. They know
they need to have healthy bodies, minds, spirits and relationships. They also
know that they need to have a healthy relationship with the vocation God has
called them too (i.e. they should pursue it with passion, but it should not be
an idol.)
4. They work on their
junk, until they are healed. They don’t stay in a
perpetual state of healing. God is a God of completion. He wants us to move
from one season to the next. We should never be in a space of perpetual
healing. A successful Christian woman looks at her hurt, pain, addictions, etc.
and faces them head on. She works on them until she is healed and completely
set free. She doesn’t stay in a state of perpetual healing, but rather she does
what she needs to do so that she can be an emotionally whole woman.
5. They seek the purpose God
has for their life, before they seek a mate.
Marriage is an option. Fulfilling your purpose is not. Each of us has a God
ordained purpose that we were born to fulfill. That purpose should coincide
with the purpose our future mate has been called to as well. If we don’t know
our purpose and are not seeking to fulfill it we are a). disobeying God and b).
not in a place to attract the Godly man we should be with.
6. They learn how to wait
well. Successful Christian women are patient and are
willing to wait for God’s best (without an attitude or complaint), until his timing provides.
They don’t throw grown up tantrums. They don’t have an attitude when God
doesn’t give them what they want, when they want it. Instead, they do what they
are supposed to do, when they are supposed to do it.
7. They become good a
knowing how to make a stand for Christ. Successful
Christian women know how to explain and defend their faith. They know how to be
good examples of believers in both word and deed.
8. They don’t compare.
Successful Christian women don’t compare themselves to other Christian women
(or any women for that matter). It’s ridiculous to compare yourself to your
sister and that’s exactly what other Christian women are, your sister’s in
Myah Lonye’
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