Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Allowing God to Change My Compass- April 18, 2017

I was sitting in my senior English class when God told me to stay home for college. While it was nearly a decade ago, I remember it so clearly. I sat in the back of the classroom and cried as I realized that God, the dream giver, was asking me to lay down a dream I’d had for many years. That afternoon, he spoke to me so loudly. I spent the next month crying and debating on whether or not I would obey. I heard him, but the choice was mine: keep my dream, or submit to his will. I submitted; but unbeknownst to me, I would have to submit many more times along the road.

A year later, he asked me to lay down my music aspirations, voice major included. I remember feeling like such a loser when I changed my major from English/Music to English/Sociology. I didn’t know why God was making me lay it down, but here I was feeling prompted to lay down another dream. But that wasn’t all. Don’t worry sister’s, God didn’t let me off that easy. Nope, he asked me to lay down my dream to be a business owner.  Owning a business was a dream I’d been working on since I was 14 years old. I’d watch my crafting colleagues become successful selling their wares online and at craft shows. People would see my items and comment “wow, such talent. These items are beautiful.” Then they would sit them down and go shop from the vendor at the next booth.

Everything I ever wanted, I felt like God asked me surrender. The surrender became so common that there were times I became afraid to even want things (marriage I’m talking to you.) I associated surrender with God stripping me from the opportunity to have my hearts' desires. What I didn’t see, was how every time I allowed him to change my compass, he was really shaping me into the person I really was. Now all these years later, I can see some of what he was doing. For instance, music (and let’s be real, fame) were such an idol. I never knew I had a desire or a call for worship until that idol was out of the way. And who knew I was called to get a P.h,D.?  Me? The girl who couldn’t wait to be done with college so I could be a full time business woman? If God had of given me some of the things I so desperately longed for, when I longed for them, I wouldn’t be in the center of his perfect will for my life.

Something that is so lovely about God is that he never “forces” us to surrender. In each of these instances, he kindly asked and kept asking me to surrender. I can’t tell you that surrendering to God’s will is easy. For the most part, it is not. I also can’t tell you that it will be easy to allow him to change the direction of your compass. Generally, It isn’t. But when we allow him to lead the way, the journey is so much more beautiful than anything we could have ever imagined on our own.



Monday, April 17, 2017

Help, I'm an Outcast- April 17, 2017

Have you ever felt like the black sheep?  When you are radical in your faith, it is not uncommon to be outcast. I have been outcast by friends before. I’ve been outcast by family. Being an outcast is painful, but it is something you can survive and use to glorify the Lord. Here are a few tips to help you if you are in a season of being “out-casted.”

1.      Begin to pray and fast on a regular basis- This will strengthen you mentally and emotionally (and of course spiritually.)

2.      Find older Christians who can cover you in prayer- the longer you are in the faith, the more likely you are to have had a season of being a spiritual outcast. Finding older Christians to lean on can help you get through this season, because more likely than not, they have been where you are at some point or another.   

3.      Ask God, what He wants’ you to learn from this season of solitude- There is never a season we go through where God does not want us to learn something. If you are going through a season of being outcast ask the Lord what he wants you to learn.

4.      See if you can find people who are accepting of your faith outside of your family/friend circle. Sometimes finding a new circle of like-minded people can help you through this season.

5.      Get comfortable with the idea that you may lose friends. There is always a possibility of losing friends as you go deeper in your walk. Learn to accept it and trust that if you lose friends God will eventually restore you with even better friends.

6.      Began to confess scripture about your God given identity. Confessing scripture out loud helps to remind you who you are as a child of God.

I hope these tips help!

