Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Four Tips to Help You Finish What You Start

I love to start projects! I am very creative by nature. In fact, my name actually means “One who posses God’s divine creative power.” Talk about a blessing-curse. On one hand, I never run out of new ideas- ever. On the other hand, staying focused on one idea long enough to see it come to fruition often feels like a miracle. I’m a serial starter, that’s for sure. A while back the Lord began to convict me on the fact that I rarely finished what I started. One amazing thing about God is that he never runs out of patience and he is willing to walk with you along the way until you complete what has been asked of you. When the Lord asked me to begin working on finishing what I started it wasn’t just for one project, rather, it became a lifestyle journey. The Lord is a finisher (see Hebrews 12:2 and Philippians 1:6). He finishes what he starts and he wants his children to do the same. Here are a few things I’ve learned in the process of finishing what I’ve started:

1.      Start slowly and Do little- When I first began the process of finishing projects I had abandoned, I tried to work on everything at once. I wanted to organize my room, complete all of my half-read books and finish every craft project I’d ever began. As you can imagine, it led to disaster. For six months I felt like I was running in circles trying to complete a multitude of unfinished projects. Instead of working on one thing little by little until I completed it, I tried to do heaping piles of activities and as a result, I made very little progress in the beginning. Instead of taking off in a sprint and attempting to run a marathon, try finishing your uncompleted projects little by little.

2.      Find Accountability- When I was in the beginning stages of getting organized and finishing what I’d started, I told my family and friends. That way, when I fell off the wagon, they could encourage me to get back on and continue working on things until they were completed.

3.      Give yourself little rewards- If you have many tasks to complete or many spaces of your life to organize it can feel daunting to attempt to finish what you’ve started. When I completed a task, I allowed myself to celebrate. Sometimes that meant taking a little time off from cleaning or working on projects to go enjoy girl time with friends, sometimes it was something as simple as a nap or getting an iced chai latte. Whatever it was, I made sure to periodically reward myself for my dedication and doing so definitely boosted my morale.

4.      Cover it in Prayer- Being a finisher matters to God. In fact it’s a big deal. He likes seeing things brought to completion. When you finish what you start, you honor the Lord. Finishing what you start will not just be a physical discipline, but a spiritual battle. Cover it in prayer and even fasting if you need to (trust me, I had to do both!)

Happy finishing!




Heart Check

1.      Are there things in your life you need to finish? Maybe it’s a craft project or an unread book. Or maybe it’s something life altering like a health goal or finishing your college degree. Take time to write a list of the things in your life that need to be finished.

2.      So far, what has been keeping you from completing these things?

3.      Is there someone in your life who can keep you accountable in your journey?

4.      What are some little rewards you can give yourself to help aid in your journey?


Dear Lord,

God I thank you for everything you are and everything you have done for me. Lord I repent for neglecting to complete the tasks you have set before me. Father, I ask that you help me to be a person who finishes what they start. God, I ask for your help in the spiritual battle of order and completion. Please give me the grace to complete the things I have begun.

In Jesus Name,
